Rapid Interactive (RI) Sessions



The RI session consists of two portions. First, each of the ten presenter will give a three-minute presentation, followed by a one minute transition to the next speaker. After all presentations, all speakers will go to their assigned TV screen to display their poster for the interactive portion that lasts for the remainder of the session. A few points to keep in mind.

  • Please go to your session room at least five minutes ahead of time.
  • The session room will be equipped with a Windows laptop with MS Powerpoint and Acrobat PDF reader. Please load your presentation onto this computer prior to the start of the session so that the presentation portion can move through on time. If you absolutely need to use your own computer (because of the need for special software or major compatibility problems), please test the connection before the start of the session. There will be a student volunteer in the room for assistance if needed.
  • At the start of your presentation, introduce yourself and give the title of your paper.
  • Immediately after the last speaker finishes the three-minute presentation, go to your assigned station for your digital poster in the same session room. Both HDMI connection and VGA adapters will be provided for you to connect your laptop to the provided TV screen. Please bring any other required adapters by yourself. The digital poster should be set in the landscape orientation.
  • Please stay by your digital poster until the end of the session. If there are people waiting to talk to you, limit your discussion with any one attendee. Schedule a time later to get together to discuss in more detail. If you have more than one author for your paper, we recommend you have two authors at your poster station. This allows one author to walk around and talk to other authors of thematically related papers while the second author presents the work.

Session Chairs/Co-Chairs

  • Session Chairs and Co-Chairs must be at the room of the assigned session 10 min before it starts. The main role of the chair/co-chair is to keep the presentations on time.
  • At the start of the session, check in with the presenter of each of the papers to welcome them. The (Co)-Chairs will briefly present the session (just by its title). There should be a 60 second gap between the end of one talk and the beginning of the next one, during which time you introduce each speaker and their organization.
  • Once the last presenter finishes their 3 min talk, the Chair (or co-Chair) the digital poster session starts. The (Co)-Chairs should announce the end of the session after a total of 90 minutes.
  • Please assess the work of each paper for whether it would be suitable for the O. Hugo Schuck award: https://a2c2.org/o-hugo-schuck-best-paper-award


 Each RI session consists of a sequential three-minute presentations for each paper (with 60 seconds to transition to the next) followed by a live, interactive digital poster session. This format enables authors to reach a greater audience for their research while at the same time encouraging more in-depth individual interactions during the digital poster session.  For 2023 ACC, each RI session will consist of 10 papers.

More specifically, RI sessions will have the following format:

  1. Presentation: The 10 three-minute presentations are given back-to-back. Examples of presentations and instructions for authors are given below.
  2. Interactive Digital Poster Session: During the session authors will be available to discuss their work in detail with a digital poster of their work in an assigned station with a TV screen in the room. Ten stations will be provided for the ten posters. Posters can be created using Power Point, for example, and may include results in the form of images, graphs, text, etc.  Attendees will walk around the rooms and interact with presenters to ask questions about their work.

What is an RI session? 

Each RI session consists of a sequential three-minute presentations for each paper followed by a live, interactive digital poster session. This format enables authors to reach a greater audience for their research while at the same time encouraging more in-depth individual interactions during the digital poster session.  For 2023 ACC, each RI session will consist of 10 papers.
More specifically, RI sessions will have the following format:
  1. Presentation: Total of 10 three-minute presentations are given back-to-back. Examples of presentations and instructions for authors are given below.
  2. Interactive Digital Poster Session: During the session authors will be available to discuss their work in detail with a digital poster of their work in an assigned station with a TV screen in the room. Twelve stations will be provided for the twelve posters. Posters can be created using Power Point, for example, and may include results in the form of images, graphs, text, etc.  Attendees will walk around the rooms and interact with presenters to ask questions about their work.

What does this mean for RI presenters? 


Your RI presentation is only 3 minutes – this is strictly enforced. So, it is important to make sure you are conveying the most important aspects of your work to the audience. This means you may not have time to give a detailed literature review or all the details of every equation in your paper. It is suggested that you motivate your work and then focus on 1 or 2 main points (maybe a theorem and an experimental result). Your goal is to tell the audience why what you are doing is novel and cool to entice them to come talk with you during the interactive digital poster session after your “technical pitch talk”.
One way to treat this talk is like a marketing pitch. Try to get the audience excited about your work so they will come visit your digital poster afterwards.
Practice your talk! You only have 3 minutes at which point you will be stopped. Shoot for 2 minutes 50 seconds to be sure. Time your talk and be prepared.
More hints on making effective short research talks

Examples of RI talks  

Interactive Digital Poster Session 
After the three-minute RI presentations, an interactive digital poster session will take place. In general, preparation for the digital poster is similar to a traditional poster. Attendees will move through the space and interact with you to ask questions about your work.
Consider trying out the guidelines of “How to create a better research poster in less time” located here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1RwJbhkCA58 
A template for this style of poster is located here:  https://osf.io/ef53g/