Social Events

Opening Reception
Tuesday, May 30, 18:30 – 20:30, Promenade Plaza of the conference hotel
All participants are invited to an opening reception on Tuesday May 30th that will be held at the Promenade Plaza of the Hilton San Diego Bayfront Hotel (conference venue)
ACC 2023 Women in Control Luncheon

Wednesday, May 31, 12:00 – 13:30 in Sapphire KLOP  

All women attendees of the American Control Conference are cordially invited to attend the WiC Luncheon. This session will feature two key talks, the first by Dr. Martha Grover, Georgia Tech focusing on Service and community and the second by Dr. Jing Sun, University of Michigan about Takeaways from the 1st CSS Day. 

Awards Ceremony 

Thursday, June 1, 11:30AM – 12:30PM in Sapphire AB. 

All conference attendees are encouraged to attend the announcements of the annual AACC and ACC awards. Come celebrate accomplishments in our field! 

Conference Banquet

Thursday, June 1, 12:30PM – 2:00PM in Sapphire CDGHKLOP.

A banquet ticket is included with the registration packets for Member and Non-Member registrants. Additional conference banquet tickets can also be purchased for $240 through the guest registration category, which also includes one welcome reception and one closing reception. Students and retirees can purchase additional banquet tickets for $90 each.

Closing Reception
Friday, June 2, 18:00 – 21:00, cruise in the San Diego Bay
The conference closing reception will be a cruise dinner in the San Diego Bay. Additional tickets to the reception are available for purchase. Click here for more information.

Boarding Time: 5:30pm

Boarding Location: Pier 1, Hornblower Landing – 1800 N Harbor Drive, San Diego

For those planning to join us, we recommend arriving at the boarding location no later than 5:45pm.

Transportation options from the conference hotel are available for your convenience. The first bus will depart at 5:10pm, and the second bus is scheduled to leave at 5:30pm from the pickup point on Gull Street on time. To reach Gull Street, take the escalators from the Indigo Level down towards Petco Park.

If you will be using personal transportation, please refer to these directions for parking information.