Best Student Paper Awards

Best Student Paper Award Finalists
Mohammad Alali, Northeastern University
Reinforcement Learning Data-Acquiring for Causal Inference of Regulatory Networks
Yongkai Xie, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Distributed Online Generalized Nash Equilibrium Tracking for Prosumer Energy Trading Games
Eugen Ernst, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
The Kernel-SME Filter with Adaptive Kernel Widths for Association-free Multi-target Tracking
Mahmoud Abdelgalil, University of California Irvine
Singularly Perturbed Averaging with Application to Bio-Inspired 3D Source Seeking
Bryan Lee, University of California Los Angeles
Analysis of Central Pattern Generators with Weak Non Diffusive Coupling
The student best paper session is on Wednesday, Session WeC6 in Sapphire 411B.
Student Best Paper Award Process

The 2023 ACC is pleased to announce the Student Best Paper Award. First-listed authors of regular or invited papers who were students at the time of submission are eligible. The academic advisor must write a nomination letter (maximum of 1 page) describing the contribution of the nominee to the paper and to the state of the art. The nomination letter should also confirm that the first author is a registered student at the time of submission. Note that only a single lead author of a paper can be nominated; if two students on the same paper are nominated, both nominations will be disqualified.

To complete the nomination form, please visit PaperPlaza after submitting the paper. The nominations should be entered on PaperPlaza by October 14, 2022. Authors who submitted their paper as an LCSS ACC paper will not be able to submit their nominations directly via PaperPlaza and should contact Carrie Hall ([email protected]) to complete their submission. The selection committee for the award will identify a set of finalists, who will be required to present their paper at the conference to be eligible to receive the award. Travel expenses including hotel, transportation, and conference registration will be covered to enable the finalists to attend.

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