Tutorial Information

ACC 2023 seeks tutorial session proposals to provide an introduction to a topic of interest from both academia and industry. The tutorials at ACC 2023 will take place in person during the conference. Specifically, the sessions are expected to give a picture of the state of the art on the topic, with a format structured around a main tutorial paper (6-18 pages) and talk (up to 60 minutes) to bring the participants up to speed, followed by a few presentations (15-20 minutes each, with or without papers of up to 6 pages), for a total of 1.5 hours.

It is also expected that all presenters to be in-person. Tutorial sessions involving strong industry and academic collaboration are highly encouraged.

The tutorial session organizers must submit a tutorial proposal to the ACC submission website in PaperPlaza, including the following details:

Title of the tutorial session:

Organizers (Name and Affiliation):

Tutorial Abstract (around 500 words): Please provide, but not limited, objectives, problem descriptions/challenges, technical solutions, and industrial applications.

Tentative structure of the tutorial, with list of all speakers, presentation titles, and abstracts:

Tutorial History:
Indicate if you have been involved with organizing tutorial at other conferences (including previous ACCs). If yes, please indicate the topic and number of participants in earlier workshops.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI):
A2C2 strongly believes in increasing diversity, ensuring equity, promoting inclusion, and enhancing outreach and engagement. The tutorial session organizers are strongly encouraged to consider how they would promote DEI in their session. If you have concrete plans to promote DEI in your workshops, please indicate them in the proposal.

For more information, or to discuss potential tutorial ideas, please contact tutorial Chair, Yan Wang